Licensing Board Information for Counselors
This page is created to help you to navigate whether or not your Licensing Board will allow you to use any of our live workshops as Continued Education Credits for license renewal.
Each state in the US has a unique set of requirements for gaining continued education hours. For each state, you will find direct links to the state board for professional counselors, marriage and family therapists, and licensed clinical social workers.
We realize that this information is not exhaustive and is subject to change. With that said, please remember to contact your board for specific questions and keep a record of the information that they share with you!
Click on the drop down menu for your state and then click on your specific board's website.
Here is an example of what to look for or ask your state licensing board. HERE!
*Please note that synchronous, asynchronous, and home study do not mean the same thing. Most counselors believe that the training they attend must be approved by their board. That is incorrect information and should be verified by your state. For example, NC allows social workers to count live synchronous training towards their licensure, whether in person or virtually, and 20 hours can be counted towards live synchronous training that is virtual. The organization does not have to be CE Approved but provides quality training that lines up with social work values and proof that you attended.
If you have any questions,please message us on the helpdesk button below!
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500 Westover Dr #13862
Sanford, NC 27330